Crypto What is Stobox DS Swap? Stobox Digital Securities Swap is a tool for swapping security tokens against usual crypto. It allows purchasing security tokens using DS Dashboard and trading them to enjoy additional benefits.
Tokenization Featured How tokenization democratizes financial and capital markets. According to the prediction of the World Economic Forum, 10% of the world GDP will be stored on the blockchain by 2027. Today, it's pretty evident that the global community is redirecting to the side of capital markets tokenization, which has numerous benefits compared to the traditional...
Tokenization Equity, debt or a hybrid instrument — what should you offer investors? Equity, debt or a hybrid instrument — what should you offer investors?
About Stobox Featured Boosting your brand marketing with brand tokens: benefits and implementation. For private companies, tokenization offers a number of benefits that couldn’t be accessed with traditional finance: this concerns security token offerings, multiple ways to structure a company, increased liquidity, as well as a broad range of other instruments.
Tokenization Conducting an STO marketing and reaching out to investors. Conducting an STO marketing and reaching out to investors.
Legal Aspects of Tokenization Featured Multijurisdictional offering strategy: how to avoid legal risks. Multijurisdictional offering strategy: how to avoid legal risks.
Cases Emission of brand tokens as part of business tokenization. Over the past five years, the cryptocurrency industry has made an enormous breakthrough. The digital asset industries have evolved so rapidly that they have spearheaded a new wave of digitalization.
Crypto Five reasons your business needs digital asset management consulting services. Digital asset consulting services as an integral part of business digitalization. Read this article to learn how to change the business model, and make it innovative avoiding legal risks.
Tokenization Featured How to make your utility token economy work: proven practices for future growth. The explosive growth of a token is a golden grail for crypto founders. Some believe that if the project is disruptive and creates genuine value, it automatically ensures token success.
Real Estate Featured Property tokenization as an investment. Benefits for property owners & top case studies. The real estate sector has always been one of the safest investment options, yielding a stable return no matter what. Ask anyone about their long-term investment ideas, and they will tell you they dream of buying a few apartments or business centers and earning a steady passive income.
About Stobox Stobox DAO voted for the first decision package. We are pleased to announce that Stobox DAO has successfully voted for the company's first package of important decisions. All voting points were related to the issues of further promotion and improvement of the project, as well as a number of financial matters concerning the STBU token.
Tokenization Why token economy is the future of digital business. Asset tokenization is a fundamentally new approach to doing business. It has a significant impact on various areas – real estate, energy, and companies operating in other industries. The token economy is already substantial and expected to keep developing.
About Stobox Introducing Stobox DAO, a community-driven instrument enhancing decision-making As digital assets develop and gain value, so does Stobox: our team is working on creating revolutionary products every day. This time, what we are about to introduce is no exception.
Tokenization Tokenized Whiskey: why tokenize and how to invest? Top case studies. In this article, we will talk about the possible ways to invest in Scotch whiskey (as well as the other whiskey types), how safe whiskey investment is, and show how tokenization can be a profitable solution for the investor, collector, and consumer.
Crypto What is a utility token and how you can use it? Utility tokens provide a specific utility benefit (or a number of such). You can think of a utility token meaning like a casino chip, a ticket from a table game, or a voucher.
Legal Aspects of Tokenization When can digital assets be considered securities? Blockchain development implies the emergence of new digital assets. These can be a wide variety of assets, from stable coins to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and security tokens.
Tokenization How to tokenize art? Top-6 NFT art marketplaces A decision to switch to a new medium to promote your art is like going to a new gym for the first time: it seems complicated but actually only takes a few steps to accomplish. I
Tokenization Featured Why security tokens are Shariah-compliant crypto instruments. Why security tokens are Shariah-compliant crypto instruments.
Crypto Featured What is utility tokenomics? User Guide. Tokenomics is a set of parameters that create the value of a digital asset. It takes into account a variety of factors, from the supply of a token to its utility.
About Stobox What does “New Stobox client is live” mean? The phrase “New Stobox client is live” means that an extensive process of setting up an STO was completed. The STO process takes approximately 2 to 4 months for one client.
Tokenization STO: how to target big? One of the most essential benefits of tokenization is the democratization of investment. Inspired by this notion, many STO freshers rush to exclude institutional investors from their target audience.
Tokenization How to invest in global security token technology. Security tokens are the future of investment in Web 3.0. This sphere has developed rapidly; it can be called one of the main trends of the early 2020s.