What is STBU's relation to STO and DS Swap?

STBU is a utility token issued by Stobox, a turn-key tokenization provider that also developed a set of products for working with digital assets ecosystems.

What is STBU's relation to STO and DS Swap?

STBU is a utility token issued by Stobox, a turn-key tokenization provider that also developed a set of products for working with digital assets ecosystems.

Utility tokens work inside one ecosystem and allow the holders to enjoy particular benefits. In the case of STBU, such benefits are:

  • Buying Stobox services and products;
  • Using as a way of payment of STBX (Stobox shares);
  • Opening a functionality of creating a liquidity pool in DS Swap;
  • Participating in the company engagement activities (staking, farming, buying merch, et cetera);

There’s a limited supply of STBU, which is 100 million tokens. A certain amount of STBU is burnt once in a while to limit the total supply.

The more security token offerings Stobox conducts, the more the demand for STBU is in our products. It rises when clients start trading their shares on the secondary market via DS Swap after their STO has been successfully completed. Stobox clients manage their offering with the help of DS Dashboard, where they pay $5.000 in STBU for 0-fee security token pool creation.

One more significant value of STBU is raising awareness of the company in general. Listed on tier-1 blockchains, it is available for purchase to millions of people worldwide. To sum up, every STO client significantly influences the Stobox company and is complementary to STBU.